
Marvel Cinematic Universe

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is a multimedia superhero franchise that began in 2008 with Paramount's Iron Man starring Robert Downey Jr. The franchise quickly grew in popularity, with Disney eventually buying out Marvel Entertainment in 2009. The MCU consists of dozens of movies and TV shows, most notably Avengers: Endgame, WandaVision, and Loki.

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MCU Franchise Poster
Marvel Cinematic Universe

Created by
Kevin Feige
First Film
Iron Man
First TV Show
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Tom Holland's Peter Parker grieving in Spider-Man Far From Home 1
MCU Writer Reveals 2023's Dark Abandoned Spider-Man Story

While Tom Holland will come back for Spider-Man 4, which is expected to have a darker tone, the MCU ended up abandoning a dark 2023 Spider-Man story.

Thunderbolts star Steven Yeun with Sentry in the Marvel Cinematic Universe custom News image 1
Marvel's Thunderbolts Loses Walking Dead Star Steven Yeun

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is officially losing another new cast member as the Thunderbolts movie will not feature Steven Yeun as Sentry.

10 Biggest Comic Book Movie & TV Controversies Of 2023 1
10 Biggest Comic Book Movie & TV Controversies Of 2023

2023 featured several comic book movie and television controversies, both for the MCU, the now-concluded DCEU, and the genre in general.

Abomination, Bruce Banner, and The Hulk in the MCU. 1
Every Hulk In The MCU (& Which Is The Most Powerful)

The Marvel Cinematic Universe includes several iterations of The Hulk, but who are they and who is the most powerful one? We break it down.

MCU Civil War 2 fan poster 1
The MCU Gets Civil War 2 With Deadpool & More In Epic Fan Poster

Following Captain America: Civil War, the MCU gets its own version of the comic book event's follow-up with Deadpool and more heroes in fan poster.

A split image of Gorr from Thor Love and Thunder and unused concept art for the character 1
Thor 4 Concept Art Reveals A Terrifying Gorr Redesign That Looks Ready To Battle The God Of Thunder

New Thor: Love and Thunder concept art reveals an alternate look for Christian Bale's Gorr the God Butcher that looks much more ready to fight.

Split image of Mjolnir imposed over Avengers: Age of Ultron Poster 1
Only 1 MCU Hero Who Failed To Lift Mjolnir In Age Of Ultron Would Still Be Unworthy In 2023

Several Avengers attempted to lift Mjolnir in Avengers: Age of Ultron, but only one of those heroes would still fail to lift Thor's hammer in 2024.

Split image of Shazam, The Flash and Ant-Man 1
10 Reasons 2023's Superhero Movie Box Office Results Were So Poor

2023 was an uneven year for the MCU and DCEU, but several often overlapping factors can explain the brands' disappointing box office performances.

Lylla the Otter from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, Michael Keaton's Batman from The Flash, and Cobie Smulders' Maria Hill from Secret Invasion 1
12 Biggest MCU & DCEU Character Deaths Of 2023

2023 brought along some major deaths to the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the recently-finished DCEU, with heroes and villains biting the dust.

Rebecca Ferguson in Dune, Brie Larson in Captain Marvel, Margot Robbie in Birds of Prey 1
Recasting Captain Marvel For The MCU's Post-Avengers 6 Reboot

Marvel Studios may be rebooting the MCU after 2027's Avengers: Secret Wars, which means a new actor could replace Brie Larson as Captain Marvel.

Tony Stark speaking at an expo in Iron Man 2 1
What If...? (2021)
The MCU Teased How Powerful A Wasted Phase 1 Villain Will Be When He Returns

The MCU Phase 1 underutilized some of its villains early in the franchise, but Marvel just showed how exciting one antagonist's return might be.

Iman Vellani's Kamala Khan with Power Pack in Marvel Comics 1
The Young Avengers Can Finally Deliver The Missing Part Of Kevin Feige's Original MCU Plan

Speculation suggests that Marvel Studios will be introducing the MCU's Young Avengers, potentially reviving Kevin Feige's old superhero team plan.

Sony's Spider-Man played by Tobey Maguire next to the poster for Bad Bunny's character from Bullet Train 1
A Spider-Man Movie Was Supposed To Release Next Week - What Happened?!

A new Spider-Man movie was supposed to be released in the second week of January 2024; what was it and what happened to the production?

Matt Murdock's Daredevil fighting in Echo trailer 1
Marvel's Echo (TV Series)
Daredevil Fans Are Torn Over Newly Revealed Fight Scene From The MCU's Next TV Show

Charlie Cox's Daredevil is back for another MCU adventure; however, fans are divided over a new clip of Daredevil fighting in Marvel's next series.

Kahhori in What If...? with the Avengers in the MCU 1
What If...? (2021)
Where Marvel's First Original Superhero Could Return In The MCU

Marvel Studios' What If...? season 2 debuted an original MCU superhero, who could make their next appearance in a live-action MCU adventure.

T'Challa Black Panther and Shuri as Black Panther in the MCU 1
Black Panther (2018)
The MCU's Black Panther Spin-Off Confirmed: Everything We Know

A Black Panther spinoff is coming soon to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and here are all the known details about the upcoming MCU entry.

Josh Brolin as Thanos, Christian Bale as Batman, and Michael B. Jordan as Erik Killmonger 1
20 Best Superhero Movie Quotes, Ranked

Superhero movies have plenty of excellent quotes, and these 20 are just a few of the most memorable lines of dialogue from the genre's history.

Iron Man Endgame Snap and Captain America-1 1
What If...? (2021)
Marvel Subtly Reveals Another Avenger Could Have Survived Iron Man's Endgame Snap

A dynamic hero in the MCU's multiverse has provided strong evidence that another Avenger could have survived Iron Man's snap in Endgame.

Captain America from Avengers Endgame, Spider-Man from a Spider-Man No Way Home poster, and Scarlet Witch from What If's 1602 episode 1
Every Avengers Team In The MCU, Ranked By Power

The original Avengers team might be the MCU's most iconic, but it is far from the only one, and the many Avengers rosters have differing power levels.

Split image of Iron Man in the MCU and in Marvel Comics 1
Iron Man MCU vs Marvel Comics: 5 Biggest Changes To RDJ's Tony Stark Explained

The Iron Man depicted in the MCU wasn't entirely faithful to the comic book character of the same name, but the changes can be easily explained.

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